Skills and Services

Posted on May 29, 2016

Content Marketing

Clear, concise content is the heart of substantive marketing. Whether it’s landing page copy or a new blog post, incorporating personality and helpfulness can create memorable content.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is not keyword stuffing! It’s aligning your content with logical key phrases so webpages can be found by customers and search engines alike.

Digital Advertising

Businesses large and small can benefit from well-targeted paid digital advertising campaigns. I specialize in developing, executing and managing muliple campaigns with varied budgets and business goals.

Social Media & Community Management

When you build a community, you can glean valuable feedback and create a discussion around your brand. Not every platform is right for every business, but no matter which platforms you use, make sure it is properly managed!

Email Marketing

Email is not dead. On the contrary, it serves as one of the highest converting tactics. Using proper segmentation, messaging and timing is key.

Lead Generation

It’s rare that a single touch point creates a conversation. Due to this fact, marketers like me engage in lead generation tactics, which includes a combination of a landing page, form, confirmation page and a series of emails.


Admittedly, I exceed my weekly food-shopping budget all too often. However, my marketing campaigns are tracked carefully to ensure spending is on track. Your money should be carefully spent and yield results that are in alignment with the campaign’s goals.

A/B Testing

Does the color of a form submission button matter? What about an email subject line? Sometimes, yes. Which is why constantly engaging in A/B testing can help elevate a good campaign into a better one.

Client Relations

I believe the Spice Girls said it best, “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.” Translated into marketing terminology it’s the equivalent of asking and understanding the business goal. I enjoy working with clients to plan and execute marketing plans.