Welcome to UrgeContent: Marketing Blog

Posted on May 30, 2015

I’ve been a marketer for over seven years now. My brain is hardwired to execute marketing tactics from high-level planning and strategy to campaign management and reporting on results and valuable metrics. I immerse myself in all that encompasses a brand, program or product. However, as many marketers will agree, marketing oneself can be slightly more challenging. Yet, it’s become a necessity. One must not only be able to articulate exactly what they do and why but also convey how they can (allegedly) do it better than anyone else in the field. Thus, this marketing blog has come into fruition. You can have a steady position at a respected company but without a personal brand, without showing exactly who you are to the world, you let others interpret YOU as they see fit.

Not Just Another Marketing Blog

I refuse to let others speak for me or define who I am. This self-defining need plus my increasing portfolio of work and lessons learned are all why I decided to start this marketing blog.

All of life is a constant education.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

We must continue to learn and examine our efforts for that is what helps us grow as individuals. I hope that UrgeContent.com will not only provide some insight into who I am, what I do but also offer some guidance and advice for those entering or currently working in marketing.

You will learn about my life as a professional marketer working in higher education. Rest assured, I will not sugarcoat my experiences. I’ve learned as much from my failures as I have from my successes.

What’s in a Name?

The name “Urge Content” comes from the idea that as marketers we have to be so engaging that we literally urge our readers to take an action or next step. As we are living in the age of content marketing, there is not better way to urge someone than by providing relevant content to drive that action.

I look forward to engaging in this dialog and exploration of this exciting field. If you’d like to chat please feel free to contact me. You can also connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Be sure to share that you’ve found me through my blog!